Subject Alternative Names (SANs) ================================ How to get a certificate with SANs ################################## You must use the PeCR utility to request certificates with Subject Alternative Names - CertWizard and the web portal do not support this functionality. If you are using the "cli request" mode, the extra alternative names are added with the --san switch, one for each alternative name. ``./bin/cli request --server -c PeCR.cfg --cn --pin veggiesausage --keyout --san --san --san '*'`` If you are using the "bulkRequest" mode of the script, the extra alternative names are placed comma separated (and no spaces!) in the 'cnfile' parameter: E.g. the first line in your 'cnfile' would be: ",,,*" RA Operators will check all certificate requests for appropriate Subject Alt Names. Certificates with SANs can be renewed like any other.