What's new for the CP/CPS version 1.0: The most important new thing is a description of the renewal process. There is also a renewal extension added to the certificate. In the future, it should probably be a script but for now it points to the main renewal entry point. Some clarifications concerning the application of certificates. It's our job to be primarily a Grid CA, not an email CA or an encryption CA. Maximal length of DN entries is now specified. At the risk of redundancy, types of entries are now more clearly specified. Clarify that whitespace alone, like punctuation and case, must not be used to make names unique. The RA or CA is now explicitly allowed to delete 'stale' requests (requests where the owner has made no attempt to get them approved within 30 days). Some clarification regarding personal information stored by RAs. This is to be followed up in version 1.1 which will contain more about the DPA. The curiosity that is the ca-operator certificate is explained. Added global line numbers for reference purposes. They won't be the same in the changelog version as in the 'final' version, though. Various minor enhancements.