Subject Alternative Names (SANs)

How to get a certificate with SANs

You must use the PeCR utility to request certificates with Subject Alternative Names - CertWizard and the web portal do not support this functionality.

If you are using the “cli request” mode, the extra alternative names are added with the –san switch, one for each alternative name.

./bin/cli request --server -c PeCR.cfg --cn --pin veggiesausage --keyout --san --san --san '*'

If you are using the “bulkRequest” mode of the script, the extra alternative names are placed comma separated (and no spaces!) in the ‘cnfile’ parameter: E.g. the first line in your ‘cnfile’ would be: “,,,*”

RA Operators will check all certificate requests for appropriate Subject Alt Names. Certificates with SANs can be renewed like any other.